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مطلوب اخصائي تصدير لشركة استيراد وتصدير خبرة او بدون

Import and Export company located in El-Fayoum requires:

Position: Export Specialist

Experience: 0-1 year in sales and marketing

Duties and responsibilities:

1- Browsing all b2b websites and gathering e-mails for importers in
the same field.

2- Offering our products, services through e-mail includes our

3- Negotiating with the customer about shipping process, Prices
structure, and payment terms.

4- Handling all shipping documents according to the customs laws
and regulations.

5- Follow up the payment process and banking issues.

6- Managing and tracking all samples consignment with the
shipping company to assure the delivery to the customer.

7- Managing the customs tariffs with the shipping agent.

8- Enhancing the relation between the company and the customers
through the after sale service process.

El-Fayoum Resident is a Must

Salary: 800 basic + good commission
Send cv with recent photo to
or call directly 01006801068