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ساعدنا فى توصيل فرص العمل إليك بإتباعنا على الفيس بوك و تويتر لتصلك ألف وظيفة أسبوعياً في مصر والشرق الأوسط وهناك المزيد...

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خدمات مميزه وتصلك وظائفنا دون الحاجه لتصفح الجرائد

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مطلوب محاسب لشركة استيراد وتصدير

الوصف الوظيفي

Experience in imports & exports field as an accountant


1. Prepare Accounting entries and enter it with daily American. 
2. Recording & Review sale and purchase invoices. 
3. Recording revenue and expenses according to the nature of the activity. 
4. Review the statement of bank account. 
5. Prepare Account statements, and other financial statements in accordance with the accounting procedures followed. 
6. Prepare the adoption of the sales tax. 
7. Prepare the adoption of general tax. 
8. Prepare Payroll statement (Income tax). 
9. Verifying and balancing receipts, and sending cash, checks, or other forms of payment to banks. 
10. Prepare and follow up the purchase orders. 
11. Match order forms with invoices. 
12. Maintain inventory records. 
13. Operate computers programmed with accounting software to record, store, and analyze information. 
14. Perform general office duties such as filing, and handling routine correspondence.
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