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ساعدنا فى توصيل فرص العمل إليك بإتباعنا على الفيس بوك و تويتر لتصلك ألف وظيفة أسبوعياً في مصر والشرق الأوسط وهناك المزيد...

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خدمات مميزه وتصلك وظائفنا دون الحاجه لتصفح الجرائد

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مطلوب مهندس شبكات خبرة سنة على الاقل

الوصف الوظيفي

-Responsible for all design, installation, programming, and service for all phone systems, cable infrastructure, and bandwidth solutions sold. -Manage all engineering projects for VoIP initiatives, plan technology roadmaps, configuration and optimization of all aspects of VoIP/IP-PBX telephone systems, related network equipment and services. -Supervise the installation, monitoring, maintenance, support, and optimization of all network hardware, software, and communication links for our clients. -Secure Network Infrastructure firewall, routers, WiMax, Microwave


• Attain CCNA, CCNP and a VOIP. • Willingness and demonstrated capability to learn, assimilate, and act upon large amounts of information rapidly. • Assessment techniques for examining, questioning, evaluating and reporting on. 
• Experience and strong knowledge of telecommunications concept development, deployment, and support. • Basic knowledge of legacy telecommunications systems • Experience and strong knowledge of VOIP. • Experience with IP telephony architecture including firewalls, IDS, VPNs, etc. • Experience and strong knowledge of voice and data concept development, deployment, and support. • Experience and strong knowledge
of commercial bandwidth concept development, deployment, and support.

عدد سنوات الخبرة:  الحد الأدنى: 1 الحد الأقصى: 3

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