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خريجي علوم وصيدلة وبيطري للعمل في الدعاية بالقاهرة والمحافظات الأخرى

FAP Pharmaceuticals
Due to line expansion (two lines), a well-established pharmaceutical company, working in the CVS sector, is urgently seeking to hire qualified candidates for the following position:
1. MR area Heliopolis
2. MR area Nasr City
3. MR area Downtown
4. MR area Hadiak El Kobba and Abbasia
5. MR area El Menia
6. MR area Dakhlia
7. MR area Domettia and PortSaid
8. MR area Sharkia
With the following qualifications:
• Pharmacists , Vet and Science
• CVS experience is assist
• Excellent communication skills
• Strong medical background
Attractive Package is offered to selected candidates
In case of interest, send a detailed C.V. with recent photo within 3 days to the following Email: